Celebrating our 52 Anniversary! “Moving Forward” Philipians 3:14
Celebrating our 52 Anniversary! “Moving Forward” Philipians 3:14
The RTAG Youth Ministry Department exists to promote the necessity of a relationship with Christ among our future leaders within the church and community, coordinate, empower and facilitate the holistic development of youth within the Fellowship.
Its overall goal is to foster the holistic growth of the local church as it fulfills its mandate, to reach the world for Christ.
To provide leadership training opportunities for leaders and prospective leaders through the work of the Holy Spirit within Revival Tabernacle Church on an ongoing basis.
The mission of TRUTH is to equip the Church to Win, build and send students into the world for the cause of Jesus Christ. This is a biblical mandate and model for youth ministry. Win, Build & Send is the three-part CAUSE of the Lord Jesus Christ...it is disciple-making through the power of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus called the first disciples, he said, "Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Mt. 4:19, NIV)
Jesus' words in the classic Great Commission passage (Mt. 28:19-20) reflect the same win, build and send call. Jesus' final words in Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:8 declare the empowerment for the call in the promise of the Holy Spirit.
The Revival Tabernacle Church is winning, building and sending youth to answer this “call”. We believe God is calling for more young disciplined followers of Jesus Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit, anchored in the Word of God, forged in the character of Christ and championing the kingdom of God as lifelong, productive members of the Body and the cause of Christ.
Thank you for being a part of the RTAG family of God.
Please join us for our online services.